Saturday, January 10, 2015

Deception Blog New Look and Latest Video of RPR

Played with the design and some features on the blog. I'll try adding more features that make navigating easier. I'll add some stand along pages with trail maps, reviews and videos - not just of our Brushy Creek Regional Trail singletrack trails.

Here's the latest video edit and Brett and I heading down the Flow Trail at Reveille Peak Ranch. It was a very cold day, but it was a great ride as usual at RPR.


  1. Nice, has had some improvements since I was on it last!

    1. Yep, mostly for the Lonestar Granite Enduro Race. I have ridden the flow at times when it's jumps and berms had been blown out and the weeds were chest high. I think the Flow Trail has a lot more potential if given some more frequent TLC.
