Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Is this thing on? TRAIL WORK DAYS WANTED

So.... I wanna see who still reads this and who would be interested in doing some trail work on Deception and Picnic. We have a giant punch list. So speak up with your availability and hopefully we can get this thing on like donkey kong. (Does anyone even say that anymore?) I dont need to hear from these two jokers I know your schedule...
Eric and Mark?


  1. Look at you with your big girl panties on calling for work days.

    Sunday AM count me in. I can't believe someone else is actually calling for a work day...Mark, our little Josh is all grown up.

  2. I understand volunteers need to be registered with WilCo now - I'd be very interested in getting signed up and helping out when that process is ironed out. Still have only run the trail, but it's very near the house and I want to pitch in. Beautiful work on what's been done out there.

  3. I can usually work in the evenings, or on some weekends. Im in the Army, so they eat up our time, but as much as I ride at BC, i'd like to contribute...

  4. Great guys. We are new to this process as well but you shouldn't have to sign up for anything with the county as ling as one of tje trail stewards is on site you are legit. I will check on that though. As far as Austin Ridge Riders is concerned we can do what we want either with help or without tjeir help in regards to organizing volunteer days. And at this point we feel we can manage on our own with what we have in place.

  5. Jesse, Josh, et al...look out for a Cateye cyclometer on Picnic by the log after Basket.
